This blog is all you need to know about How to be a teen author.
The world as us teenagers know it, is hard. With the publishers only truly focusing on the many competitive authors thriving for that spotlight. What about us? What about teenagers that have the talent and wish to have our work in a book, on that shelf, being a bestseller.
Talking from experience, becoming a teenage author is tricky yet soon after you'll find that it does pay off later on with the right marketing ideas and connections. The perks of writing a novel, you and others will find that your punctuations, grammar and layouts will improve. Because with practice, comes perfection. So start off by writing a few chapters (Or if you have already got passed that step and is half way with your fabulous novel, then go back to Chapter one and edit some bad usage of sentences.) I found multiple grammar and punctuation mark mistakes in the first few chapters as I re–read my work over. Because publishers look for well scripted manuscripts and they don't care if you're only a teen.
But anyways, the key to success is to push yourself further than you can ever imagine. You don't need to own the riches laptop or PC to write a book, nor do you need to have the money! All you really need is motivation (could also imply to Family & Friends Support), patience, and that passion for writing.
Now a days, the social media looks for fresh news to put out there to the public. This is great to start off with, because you're getting that exposure and slowly getting known. However, if you really want to get known, start with blogging. Yes, its hard to have school exams, plus still worry about your friends and younger siblings. If you really want this, then I'm sorry to say but you'll have to pay less attention to friends (not saying that you have to cut them off completely!) Just spend less time with them but still talk to them after you get your social interactions on the internet done.
Remember: You want to get yourself, and your work out there so make sure to join Blogging, make a Facebook Fan Page, ★Twitter yourself and your writing★, Make a YouTube video of yourself and your work explaining that you're a teenage writer. There are so many online writing websites that you can write out one of your stories and market that as a sample of your creative imagination.
If you take a look at my last blog on the right —> you'll see that I posted where you can write your fabulous stories in the meantime for FREE and get fans.
Remember this: Your fans is who makes you famous. Justin Bieber is only famous because of the millions of girls all loving his looks and catchy songs. So get known out there and before you know it, your fans will be doing the rest for you!
Hope this blog helped you. Will he giving more info in future blogs to help teenagers become famous!
**********★★★***********This blog was written by 16 year old published author, Kimite Cancino**********★★★**********
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